International workshop

This workshop is for international guests who want to challenge themselves in making both, Nigiri-zushi and Japanese sweets. Our college is specialized in teaching the traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese called “washoku” as well as sushi. While you are in Japan, come visit us and learn the uniqueness of washoku and sushi from one of our experienced chefs! Whether you are visiting Tokyo for a short time or you have lived here for years, you are welcome to participate in this special workshop which is completely free of charge.
Workshop content: Nigiri-zushi and the Japanese sweets type anmitsu

No participation fee! Required reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis and will be closed when the maximum enrollment is reached.
Date: 30th July and 21st August
Time: 11 am – 12:30 pm or 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Place: Tokyo College of Sushi & Washoku
2-30-14 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0001
Train station: Ikejiri-Ōhashi (just one stop from Shibuya Station)

Contact: Tel: 0120-040-399
Thank you very much for your various applications!
The maximum enrollment is reached.